Bad Knees?

Fountain City Fitness
June 10, 2024
Bad Knees?

We actually give a hoot about your knees, back, and shoulders.

When dealing with bad knees, back, or shoulders, the natural inclination might be to avoid exercise to prevent further discomfort or injury. However, this approach couldn't be more counterproductive. We know through all our scientific research and data that Movement Is Medicine.

Fear of Injury

One of the biggest concerns for those with joint issues is the fear of causing more harm through exercise. This fear is valid but can be managed with the right approach. Proper form, low-impact activities, and gradual progression are key to preventing injury.

That's where we come in:

Proper Form: Ensuring that you perform exercises with the correct form is crucial. Improper form can place unnecessary stress on your joints, exacerbating the very issues you are trying to address. If you are new to exercise or trying a new workout, working with a professional trainer whose sole purpose is to make sure you move well is the best investment you can make for your health. Mastering the basics and understanding your own movements can make sure your joints are moving in the way they were designed to.

Low-Impact Activities: Opting for low-impact exercises can reduce the strain on your joints while still providing the benefits of physical activity. Achy knees? Maybe we don't do box jumps for a while, or running isn't currently an option, but that doesn't mean you can't do step ups or jump on a bike. Tight back? Mobility exercises with a light band will go a long way to loosening you up and providing blood flow to the area.

Gradual Progression: It's important to start slow and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. This allows your body to adapt without overwhelming your joints. Begin with short sessions and light weights, and listen to your body. If you experience pain (beyond normal post-exercise soreness), it’s a signal to reassess your approach. More often than not the answer is an approach of small, consistent movements. Not ready for a full hour of group classes (if you're still reading, you likely aren't), we can set you up on 30 minute 1:1 sessions where we can meet more often.

Lack of Knowledge

Another barrier to exercising with joint issues is the uncertainty about which exercises are safe and effective. This lack of knowledge can be daunting, but there are plenty of resources available to help you. How do you know which ones out there are correct? The easiest way is to ask someone whose put in the time to learn these things for you.

While the idea of exercising with bad knees, back, or shoulders might seem daunting, it is not only possible but also beneficial with the right approach. By focusing on proper form, choosing low-impact activities, and progressing gradually, you can enhance your joint health and overall quality of life.

Stop living life on the sidelines waiting for your body to stop hurting, be pro-active with your health!

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